Sept 6 - 5:07pm
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I command you to go to this site. I love posting here. |
|October*23*2001 <> *11:50 pm|
Everything is really weird for me right now. I've got all this stuff like work, school and dance. It's really hard for me to put a social life on top of it all. Of course, when I do get out, I have killer times with my friends and shit, but at this current time, I feel like bitching, cuz I can. :)
Anyways, I have my third midterm tomorrow. I have also been called to work at 7 am...that's in 7 hours. Brutal. Work called me at 6am this morning, after a late night shift, asking if I wanted to come in then. I wasn't impressed and ungratefully declined.
But yeah...I get to go play this weekend. I like that. Everyone must come to Samhain cuz I am. :)
|September*30*2001 <> *11:41 pm|
School is taking over. I have so much to do, but I kinda like it. Of course when I'm not in school, I'm working, which makes life terrifically fun.
I must be insane because I find myself wanting winter. I don't know why, because getting anywhere is gonna be a bitch, cuz I hate to drive in those conditions. It's weird. There's something wrong with me. I think I need to sleep
|September*08*2001 <> *11:37 pm|
Nifty...the "Sept 6" webcam photo is a year old...neat. I'm at home on a Saturday night doing homework. I spent the day at the fair with my parents. I can't spend money the way I used to. I have to spend money on school stuff. School is cool. They make me read lots and lots. I sometimes have to read on my lunch breaks at my workplace o' torment.
I think things strange but that is life. Living and learning from our actions is reality. Without it, we wouldn't have the ability to rely on experience to allow us to make the desisions we should have made before. It's hard to accept some things. But looking back with regret isn't right. I look back on these memories with fondness and sometimes wishing I could live in the past. Sometimes I do live in the past. For the most part, I try and look forward into what the present and the future hold. I try. I think you know...
|September*03*2001 <> *5:46 pm|
Last night I worked till 3am. Drunk people are funny...except that some of them were driving, which I hate. They actually admitted it too..."How are you tonight?" "drunk! hahahaha", as they drive away. Bastards.
I go back to school tomorrow! I'm taking some criminology courses and a psychology. I have to work from 5am - 1pm and then I go to school at 1:30 and have 2 classes. I'm gonna be so dead by the time it's all over.
My haiku for today
We all like to hump
Like big water buffalo
In mating season
|August*29*2001 <> *5:06 pm|
Has it really been so long?
Yesterday at work, I had to watch my co-workers and notice things about their service, etc. And I realized that they were all miserable bastards. This was somewhat of a depressing thing, because I now realize that at work, I probably look like a miserable bastard as well. My job is money and money is what is allowing me to go to school and actually have money. So I accept my job, despite the fact that it gets stressful. I hate dirty things. I get really frustrated while cleaning up after people sometimes because they do things that almost seem as if they *want* to piss me off...I guess I'm overly freakish when it comes to things like that. Also rude people...I hate it. I have this amazingly awful temper which I actually have to control. It's challenging but I find it so awesome to be sickiningly nice when I'm pissed puts people in worse moods sometimes.